Esperanza or Yellow Bells, Tecoma stans
Submitted by Donna Hagar, Somervell County Master Gardeners
Have you been in downtown Glen Rose lately? If so, you surely have seen the large yellow blooming shrub on the north east corner bed of the square by the Coca Cola building. Many folks have asked what this showy shrub is. The answer is an Esperanza or Yellow Bells, scientific name Tecoma Stans. This is a Texas Super Star, and is gaining popularity as an ornamental plant in Texas gardens. In the wild in Texas it can be found growing on rocky slopes near San Antonio and in the Trans-Pecos. This is a cold tender plant, hardy to zone 8b. In our area, if you plant it on the south side of a home or structure, protected it from the north winds, mulched HEAVILY in the winter, it will die back but should come back from the roots. It can also be used as a fast growing, large container plant which may be moved into warmer winter quarters. The striking, tubular 2 1/2-inch bright yellow flowers are highlighted by the attractive, shiny, green foliage and continue through the heat of the summer. The flowers have sweet pleasing fragrance and also provide nectar for bees. Plant with the purple fall aster for an amazing show of contrasting purple and yellow flowers for this time of year.
Plant Habit or Use: small shrub medium shrub
Exposure: sun
Flower Color: yellow
Blooming Period: spring, summer, fall
Fruit Characteristics: 4- to 6-inch-long capsule
Height: 3 to 6 feet
Width: 3 to 4 feet
Plant Character: deciduous,
Heat Tolerance: high
Water Requirements: low
Soil Requirements: neutral, alkaline