Known as “Yellow Bells” or “Esperanza”, this little shrub/tree is a workhorse in the South Texas garden. It is a native of Texas, but there are also cultivars out there such as the Gold Star Esperanza which is a Texas Superstar® plant. One would be hard pressed to find another beautiful blooming plant for the extreme variable south Texas weather.
Plant Profile
Name: Tecoma Stans
Common name: Yellow Bells; Esperanza; Yellow Elder
Family: Bignonicaea
Category: evergreen/shrub/tree
Hardiness Zone: 11 – 15
Light Requirements: Does best in full sun, but will tolerate light shade.
Height/Spread: 30ft H/30ft W; Can be pruned back to a more manageable size.
Growing Habit: Upright; bushy; rounded shape.
Flower and foliage characteristics: Leaves are typically mid-green, but can have a lighter tint usually with 5 – 13 leaflets. Flowers are funnel shaped and normally yellow, but some can have a red-orange color near the center of the flower. Bean-like seed pods appear after flowering is finished.
Bloom Time: Spring to Autumn
Water/Soil Requirements: This is a low water plant and can withstand periods of drought. Do water more in times of prolonged heat and dry conditions. Can be grown in almost any type of soil and will even do well as a container plant.
Propagation: Propagate by seed in the Spring and by semi-ripe cuttings in the summer.
Pests: Spider mites could be troublesome.