Hello All!
First, thank you to everyone who has participated in this year’s sale – from donations to purchases. And speaking of donations, there have been over 700 plants donated to this year’s sale! This is fantastic and I know those of you who have donated, have spent many hours cutting, clipping and propagating for the annual sale – it is much appreciated and so we’d like to thank you.
Home Depot has generously donated $140 worth of plants to the cause as well!
If you did not pre-order, I am quite sure that with over 700 plants available you will still be able to grab some of your favorites plants just in time to put them out for the fall.
The sale will held Saturday,October 9th, from 9am – 2pm,at the following location:
Jewish Community Center
750 Everhart Rd
Corpus Christi, TX 78411
See you all there!