All NMG Members, Interns and Prospective Candidates:
I have sent out several request for updated selfie photos of you that we can use to update the NMG Photo Directory. Response has been minimal to say the lease. If you have a photo on file with us, it is at least a year old in most cases and many are much older. There are many members we do not have a photo of. Please take the time to send an updated selfie.
While you are at it, upload a copy to your VMS record. None of the photo from the old VMS were migrated to the new VMS. We have noted there are several members who have not logged into the new VMS. If you are having trouble, email me so I can reset your Username and Password. It is different logging in so don’t feel like your are the Lone Ranger if you are having issues. I have had to ask for help from the developer several times with various issues. The software is similar but it has some twists and turns that are new. We need to have all Members, Interns and Students log in.
If you are a prospective candidate and have not yet registered and paid your course fee, you do not have a log in. Still need to ensure I have your up-to-date contact information and photo for our records so we can keep you informed. The Orientation Class is fast approaching. Get registered and paid so we can get you in the system. We have to order Texas MG Handbooks and other materials before the course starts.
Instructions on how to add your photos to VMS should come to you via your NMG emails.
If you experience any issues with the new VMS, please direct your questions to: [email protected]