Presenters: Master Gardeners Barbara Vance & Charlotte Lowe PLUS Robert Cowell of RC Custom Knives and Sharpening.
Two avid gardeners who have created beautiful gardens featuring gorgeous roses, Barbara will talk to us about planting, care and pruning roses, then Charlotte will discuss plants and alternatives for hiding or enhancing the area under and around the roses.
Additionally, we will have Robert Cowell talking to us about keeping your gardening tools sharp, so bring your tools that need to be sharpened and he will be sharpening tools while we learn about roses. He will be charging for this service but is offering very reasonable rates.
This is an event you won’t want to miss.
Be sure and bring your lunch or a snack to this free session. Everyone is welcome.
For more information: call the McLennan County Texas Agrilife office. 254-757-5180