M.G.s & Interns,
Just a brief reminder of our workdays this Wednesday and Friday. Through the generosity of our county commissioner Brent Weaver, we now have three large loads of mulch and load of ground asphalt which was delivered last Tuesday. The asphalt was used to raise and resurface the pathway around the Texas Bed by Jerry Jobe and his “old” helper who pushed many wheelbarrow loads of this material to the bed then raked it level and reset the Texas stepping stones; this made a big improvement to the looks of the bed and will help with drainage issues. There is enough left for us to do the same thing to the interior path around the herb bed this week. With this large quantity of mulch we can now replenish all the beds with a new, thick layer which should go a long way to help with weed and watering issues. Of course these piles are not going to move themselves so we will need many helpers to get it spread. These amendments to the garden will go a long way to improving it’s over all look for the October plant sale. We owe a big vote of thanks to Brent for all he has done for us at the garden; even with all his road and bridge projects and countless duties throughout the county he still has time to give us a hand whenever we need him.
Thanks to all who came out last week and did such a great job on the beds. I failed to bring the sign in list home and if I tried to name everyone from memory I know I would leave someone out, so I will do it at the meeting. I do want to apologized to Patty Bright for mis-identifying her as Patty Black in my last roll call of workers; sorry about that Patty.
Hope to see as many of you as possible at the coming work days………….
The Garden Team