We have a talented group of digital photographers. The demonstration garden next to the Galveston County Extension Office is a favorite setting for taking nature photographs. Look carefully and you may see what the camera in the photo to the left is being aimed at (a green anole lizard, Anolis carolinensis).
The Galveston County Master Gardener program has an diverse array of talented and dedicated volunteers. We are encouraged to find our educational niche but also we support each otherand the Galveston County Extension Office.
For example, we have volunteers who enjoy writing and volunteers who enjoy photography. In developing this Beneficials in the Garden web page, Master Gardeners with an interest in writing and those with an interest in photography collaborated together to produce this web page.
Our MG Writers:
Betty Gray (MG ’06), Candice Hawkinson (MG ’06) and Deborah Rankin (MG ’07) researched and authored many of the articles on beneficials and appreciation is extended for their efforts. Appreciation is also extended to following Master Gardener who also prepared articles: Herman Auer (MG ’83), Larry Baker (MG ’92), Linda Brown (MG ’04), Suzanne Christensen (MG ’03), Jane Corbett (MG ’05), Trish McDaniel (MG ’01), Eileen Linton (MG ’06), Gayle McAdoo (MG ’05), Linda Ornburn (MG ’05), Judy Poorman (MG ’05), and Linda Steber (MG ’91)
Our MG Photographers:
Herman Auer (MG ’83), Laura Bellmore (MG ’92), Dr. Margaret Canavan (MG ’03), Margie Jenke (MG ’05), Ted Landry (MG ’05), Deborah Repasz (MG ’03), Patsy Sickman Jewell (MG ’91) and Donna Ward (MG ’96).
Our MG Webmaster:
We extend a Texas-size thank you to Laura Bellmore (MG ’92) for her outstanding efforts in creating and maintaining our Beneficials in the Garden web page.
Our MG Graphic Artists:
Linda Steber (MG ’91) & Sandra Devall (MG ’98)