Plant questions? El Paso Master Gardeners have the answers. Join us at our Information Table at UTEP’s Family Day event to ask questions and pick up free gardening brochures. You can learn about water conservation while adding to your gardening knowledge.
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service training provides El Paso County Master Gardeners with research-based horticulture information and resources as a foundation for our wide range of experiences in gardening in the El Paso. Certified Master Gardeners and Master Gardener Interns share that knowledge with members of the community who visit our Information Tables at many public events throughout the year. The Information Tables are stocked with a wealth of free publications on topics ranging from composting to growing roses or tomatoes to landscape planning and design.
Be on the lookout, too, for the El Paso Gardening Handbook created by El Paso County Master Gardeners for our area. It addresses El Paso specific gardening concerns and best practices.
We hope you visit our Information Table to learn more about landscapes and gardening in El Paso, environmentally friendly methods to control plant diseases and pests, and about the Master Gardener Program.
Photo credits: El Paso Master Gardeners at an Information Table (El Paso Master Gardeners Facebook) and Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens’s Facebook.