Member of the 1998 Master Gardener Class
Served as VCMGA President in 2004
Named VCMGA Gardener of the Year in 2003
Texas Master Gardener Association Gardener of the Year in 2003, First Place for a medium-size association
Treasurer in 2001
Co-Chair VCMGA Garden Tour
Obtained funding for alarm system, Garden Tours and Plant Sales
Continual advocate for VCMGA with city officials, airport officials, and public
Authored 11 educational articles in Gardeners’ Dirt, a weekly column in the Victoria Advocate newspaper
Edited 835 Gardeners’ Dirt educational articles in a weekly column in the Victoria Advocate newspaper
In 2005, while Charla was editor of Gardeners’ Dirt, VCMGA won first place in the TMGA Search for Excellence Awards in mass media