Master Gardener Booth & Seminars at the BCS Home & Garden Expo
March 2 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
$5Come to the Bryan/College Station Home & Garden Expo and learn from Brazos County Master Gardeners for a successful garden in the Brazos Valley. Seminars each day; 10am to 3pm March 1, and 11am to 2pm on March 2. Local and regional vendors in the exhibit hall, our Master Gardeners also have an info booth. See you at the Expo!
2025 BCS Home and Garden Expo is hosted March 1 and March 2, 9 am to 4 pm each day and at the Legends Event Center, Bryan. Register for tickets at: https://homeexpobcs.com.
Each talk is 30 minutes long and then there is time afterwards for your questions. Seminars are free with a paid ticket to the Expo.
Saturday, March 1
10:00 Raised Beds – Construction and Use
11:00 Trees for Brazos County
12:00 Tomatoes!
1:00 Texas Native in My Backyard
2:00 Texas SuperStars for Your Garden
3:00 Attracting Pollinators
Sunday, March 2
11:00 Trees for Brazos County
12:00 Tomatoes!
1:00 Texas Natives in My Backyard
2:00 Texas SuperStars for Your Garden