Thursday, May 21, 2020 2:00 pm
Central Daylight Time (Chicago, GMT-05:00)
Thursday, May 21, 2020
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Click below link to register:
Healthy forests are critically important for protecting water supplies.
Forests play an important role in providing clean water. More than 50 percent of the nation’s freshwater resources originate from forests that cover about one-third of the United States. In addition to providing clean water, forests also absorb rainfall, refill groundwater aquifers, slow and filter stormwater runoff, reduce floods and maintain watershed stability and resilience.
Several municipalities and water utilities have already recognized the important role forests play in supplying fresh drinking water, and, as such, have taken action to conserve these critical landscapes. Efforts are underway to explore these approaches throughout the South.
Approximately 89 percent of the South’s forestland is privately-owned, making it the nation’s stronghold for private forestland ownership. To sustain healthy forests and protect water resources, viable economic markets, careful forest management and well-targeted forest, conservation efforts are critical. (Southern Group of State Forester)
Texas A&M Forest Service’s ALL ABOUT TREES has moved several of our live presentations to a web-based platform. This is in response to the important stay-at-home ordinances related to the outbreak of COVID-19.
Join us for this presentation series created to bring experts in forestry, hydrology and arboriculture to answer your questions interactively through a dynamic CHAT feature.
Check with your local Texas Master Naturalist or Texas Master Gardener chapters for Advance Training AT credits. For CEUs from ISA, SAF, TNLA, and others organizational providers, a certificate of participation may be sent to you upon request for verification of attendance.
This class will be live on our WebEx platform allowing healthcare providers, certified forest therapy guides, foresters and arborists to answer your questions in real-time meeting state AT requirements.
Program information is available by emailing or calling John Warner, or 936/546-3169.