By Renee Kofman, Bluebonnet Master Gardener
Many people enjoy walking the trail around Levine Park in Sealy.
The park is one square city block with amenities on every side. From the splash pad for cooling off, white sands volleyball court and children’s playground on one side to a white gazebo surrounded by red roses in the center to a military memorial statue with a park bench adjacent to luscious gardens on the opposite side facing main street.
From one end (Atchison St) to the next block (Hardemen St) are the BMGA project gardens. You are immediately captivated on your left by gorgeous Rose Creek Abelias, Dusty Miller’s, John Fanick Phlox, and 3 different Circuma’s, and a Red October Camellia (blooms in October and November).
Across the sidewalk you will find an evergreen Mambo Yellow Hibiscus Tree flanked by 2 large yellow Cuban Durantas surrounded by junipers, Borage and red Drift Roses.
As you continue down the path you can’t help to stop and smell the roses as”Miranda Lambert Rose” begs your attention.
Next to her are purplish -blues Mexican Sage and yellow golden Thyrallis standing erect with fushia trailing Winecup rambling about.
This bed continues into the butterfly garden with many Coneflowers, Yarrows, Sages, Butterfly Bush, Mimosa and crapemyrtle trees mixed with Gingers, Guaras, Phlox, Stokesia, Calendulas, Lantanas and Crinum Lilies for the butterfly’s enjoyment.
Across the sidewalk is a banquet of peach Drift Roses.
Keep going and you come to two huge gardens divided by the sidewalk that leads to the gazebo. On each side in front are many dramatic yellow Florida Sunshine Ligustrums flanked with a beautiful multi-color Rising Sun Eastern Red Bud. Just behind the Ligustrums are 50 red Knockout Roses.
As you continue on your left are huge maroon Crinum Lilies, Hidden Ginger’s,yellow Cassia’s, Durantas, Cleodendrums, Vincas and Fireworks grass.
Keep walking and you’re at the gardens in front of the pavilion. You’re welcomed by aromatic Gardenias, Batface Cupheas, Mexican Bird of Paradise,red Drift Roses Fairy Duster, Vincas, Salvias, Circunums and Hummingbird Bush. Across the sidewalk are red Drift Roses.
On down on your right is a large bed of mixed color Pentas scattered with Dusty Miller’s.
Keep on and on your left at the end of the block is our Sensory garden filled with Rosemary, Kale, Dill Fennel, Curry, Borage, Kangaroo paw, red and yellow Roses, Lantana, Vincas, Bay leaf Tree, Firecracker, Penstemen and the most fragrant Almond Verbena bush.
Across the sidewalk is our last garden with Mexican Mint Marigold in the center surrounded by red and white Caladiums and dwarf Little John Bottlebrush.
Our walk has been a treat. Come visit us soon.